​The Territory of Ultima Thule
- aequalitas - libertas - absolutio -
Ultima Thule
far away land,
land of the impossible,
the last inhabitable place.

The farm is an integral part of the functionality of our life and as part of the experiment to achieve the mission.

In the founding of the territory of Ultima Thule, Bryce and Misty Murph'Ariens had many intentions in mind. As the name denotes, it was to be a habitable place amidst a world becoming less and less habitable. It was to create a space within the world, not encumbered by the mutitude of human rules and statutes, but instead governed by the benevolent and balanced laws of nature. They wished to create an atmosphere of inspiration and enchantment, conducive to the aspiration to and achievement of the utmost of human nature.
Bryce and Misty are homesteaders, who live off-grid on a small experimental farm called The Territory of Ultima Thule. They have a 10'x10' cob house that they hand sculpted from the earth on their property. Chefs and caterers by training, they produce as much of their own food as possible on the farm, with the excess being sold at the farmgate. With the intention of re-discovering a way to be entirely self-sufficient, they practice Permaculture, a system of observation and mimicry of the dynamic interrelation of plants and animals. To share the benefits of their experimentation, they have founded the Ultima Thule Permaculture Institute and are developing a new renaissance learning centre.
Who are Bryce and Misty Murph'Ariens?
This website is a work in progress. More details to come!