​The Territory of Ultima Thule
- aequalitas - libertas - absolutio -
By: Misty Murph'Ariens
I keep one very special scrapbook in my bedroom. It is an album of family photos and momentos, but to me, it is much more than that. It is a short story called 'Happiness...and why not?'. It is like a childrens book, with photos I have collected from my life and Bryce's as the illustrations to the simple but important moral message: be happy. It is a reminder to myself and an invitation to others. On the inside cover is taped a printed page that I wrote when I was sixteen, entitled, 'My New Year's Resolutions'. At that age I was very political, idealistic and disillusioned with the world. I was supposed to act like a kid, bide my time before I could vote or live on my own, and leave politics to the grown-ups. But, I looked around at New Years time and saw them making resolutions like losing ten pounds (resolutions they wouldn't keep, and they knew they wouldn't keep them). I thought, someone has to make a stand. I wrote out my resolutions, as I saw them then, and I determined that I would write them as I meant them—and keep them. I thought what I wrote might have worried her, but when my mom saw my resolutions, she pasted it onto the side of the fridge, where it stayed until I moved. I don't know that I would phrase them the same way if I were to write them today, but every year I bring them out, read them again, and promise myself another time to be the person I decided to be then, the one that had made my mom so proud.
My New Years Resolutions
This year, I resolve to live better.
This means that I will strive to enjoy what I'm doing—even if it's not what I want to do.
I will love unconditionally.
I will love those who embellish my life, and those who complicate it. I will find more tolerence for humans and work to understand those who frustrate me.
I will help those who need help, and accept help when I need it.
I will overcome my depression and endure my physical pain so that I may appreciate what life has to offer.
I will not feel sorry for myself—I will simply work harder to come out ahead.
I will start to care whether I live or die and take control of how my life unfolds.
I will learn new things and not limit myself to the conventional.
I will no longer sit helpless.
I will act rationally, but humour those who do not.
I will take the road less travelled and find a more direct route to my future endeavors.
I will resurrect my ambition and swallow my pride so that I may use and develop my talents.
I will not forget to nurture myself.
I will be honest and accept the resulting consequences.
I will not give up.
I will spend more time with my loved ones and pay attention to their needs.
I will accept the things I cannot change, but work to prevent them in the future.
This year, and all the years to come, I will be a better person because I will always take another step forward and never look back in regret.
As part of our resolution to bring more love and romance into the world this year, Bryce and I are hosting A Taste of Romance dinner on February 14th at the Egremont Optimist Hall, in Holstein. Tickets $20, by reservation 519-313-0403.