​The Territory of Ultima Thule
- aequalitas - libertas - absolutio -
Our Business
As homesteaders, we try to provide for ourselves from our own farm. However, sometimes interacting with the world takes more cash than we can grow, so we have a number of side-line businesses. We try to do these in a way that is compatible with our life, leaving the time and energy for the important things like milking the cow, growing vegetables, volunteering and basically enjoying life.
As You Wish Catering
Food is our great love and passion. It is what brought us together, and the search for great food was what lead us to pursue farming. And, having both attended culinary school and worked as chefs, it was a natural choice to continue cooking through catering. Like most caterers, we cater events such as parties and weddings. Unlike most, we also do educational and entertaining cooking shows. These have been held in local halls and cafés, but also in homes as dinner parties. We prepare a menu in advance, usually on a theme (such as Asian, Wild Foods, Healthy Cooking, etc.). We serve up the appetizer course, and while the guests enjoy it, we demonstrate the preparation of the next course, giving cooking tips and recipes as we go. And so it goes, until the final course (usually 4-6 tasting courses), until all the guests are full of yummy food, great information and most of all, inspiration to cook.
For more information, call us at 519-313-0403.

Misty's Art
I have enjoyed all types of art my whole life. I have done (commissioned) mural artistry with spray paint, impromptu portraits on scraps of paper, and sculped my house from the earth. I have been employed in doing graphic art and web design. My artwork has found it's way onto welding masks, canvases, windows, mailboxes, walls and even clothing. I specialize in portraits, but my knack really is the ability to copy what I can see. I find great enjoyment in painting, drawing, sculpting--any creation, really. If you are in need of anything created or embellished, I can probably help you.
-Misty Murph'Ariens, 519-313-0403
Cleaning, yard work, a helping hand
Since our days are, more or less, our own, we offer a helping hand to those busy folks around our neighbourhood. When animals need looking after during a holiday way, or cordwood needs stacking, rocks need picking from fields, or the house just needs a tidying up, we can help.