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Misty's Bizbull Articles

In the fall of 2011, I was given the chance to write for the local publication The Bizbull.  This has proved to be a tremendous opportunity for me.  Not only has it given me the impetous to practise, and thereby hone my writing skills, it has also given me a soapbox, so to speak, to shout my message from.    An incedental benefit that I didn't anticipate was the overwhelmingly positive feedback I have received from locals since beginning my column.  So many times now I have met someone new and, without introducing myself, they know all about me!  They recognize me from my picture, and they know all about my life from following my articles.  It is amazing to me how many people have expressed support, and some even longing for our lifestyle.  And here I thought shunning social norms would make us unpopular!  Some of our friends who are not in the Bizbull distribution area have expressed interest in reading my articles, so I have elected to post them here.  I hope you enjoy them.


October 2011- Waste Not, Want Not
November 2011- Even Misadventures are Adventures

December 2011- Dream Life
February 2012- An Ideology of Food
March 2012- Hippopotamus Sandwich
April 2012- Confessions of an Optimist
May 2012- The Garden
June 2012- Weeds
July 2012- Excerpts from my Inspiration
August 2012- The Vocabulary of the Empowered
September 2012- When I Grow Up
October 2012- Chicken Soup
November 2012- To Your Health
December 2012- Spirit of the Universe
February 2013- Resolution
March 2013- Gung-ho Gardener
April 2013- I'm a Weed

May 2013- Beauty from Within

June 2013- Mother Earth

July 2013- Luck and True Love

August 2013- Awe

September 2013- Life's Work

October 2013- Seasons 

November 2013- Bird's Eye View

December 2013- Dreaming of a White Christmas

February 2014- The Story of The Territory of Ultima Thule,  Scrabble and Poetry

March 2014- The Founding of 'The Territory'

April 2014- The Freedom of Choice

May 2014- Motherhood

© 2013 Misty Murph'Ariens, Eighth Thought Designs.


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