The Territory of Ultima Thule
- aequalitas - libertas - absolutio -
BY: Misty Murph'Ariens
What an amazing transformation, when you go from reciting a prayer to truly believing it—feeling it. To be sure, you try to believe the words, to live by them. But when life demonstrates the divine rightness of the words you utter in prayer, the feeling is no less than awe. After that, your faith can still waiver, but those words can always bring you back to centre. Ever since my mom posted the Infinity prayer on the side of the fridge years ago, I have found its message moving. In recent years, I have begun to really focus on maintaining my spiritual centre, so have spent more time in meditation. I designed two plant spirals in the centre of our garden—one in honour of my mother, my feminine influence, yin energy, and one in honour of my father, my masculine influence, yang energy. For the last couple years, I have gone to the bench in front of these spirals and meditated there, but only in the last year have I said the Infinity Prayer in this sacred place. I have spoken these words, at least once a day for a year now: In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I believe in a Power, far greater than I am, that flows through me every moment of every day. I open myself to the wisdom within, knowing that there is only one Intelligence in this Universe. Out of this One Intelligence comes all the answers, all the solutions, all the healings, all the new creations. I trust this Power and Intelligence, knowing that whatever I need to know is revealed to me, and whatever I need comes to me in the right time, space and sequence. All is well in my world. This has always been a powerful affirmation for me, but recently I have seen it gain momentum and power in my life. A coindence here, a helpful timing there. “Funny, I was just thinking about you, and now you show up!” They happen, we give a nod to the benevolent workings of the universe, and carry on. The more I looked into the truly great people of today and in history, the more I saw them invoke this universal power. “Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall recieve.” -Matthew 21-22. It is true. The tricky part is believing it! For me, belief is the culmulative effect of observation. For example, my mom would set her mind to find some particular thing at a garage sale and that weekend, there the item would be—at every stop we made. It would not have been there before, or after. When I was single, bored and lonely, I wrote a list—a VERY specific list—of what kind of man I wanted to appear in my life. That weekend, I met Bryce at karaoke, and lo and behold, he matched the list! Just recently, Bryce and I were going to buy a grain mill online. We looked and looked for months and couldn't decide which to buy (the one I wanted was pricey). I joked that Bryce could buy it for my birthday present. We decided not to buy one just yet. We went to give a presentation the night before my birthday. While waiting to speak, we chatted with a couple we met two years before and they asked, “Say, do you want a grain mill?”. They gave us the one I was looking at online! Now, I do believe that we bring to us what we are thinking about, how we are feeling. If we remain in alignment with our higher selves, we can actualize some amazing things! So, with that, I implore you to take time to clear you mind, centre yourself and ask yourself what you truly want. Focus on it, dwell on it, feel good about it. Take the mysterious path that the universe brings you, and don't forget to be happy and grateful when your dreams come true!