The Territory of Ultima Thule
- aequalitas - libertas - absolutio -
Hippopotamus Sandwich
By: Misty Murph'Ariens
“How do you eat a hippopotamus sandwich? One bite at a time.” This is my philosophy, and it is what I usually answer Bryce with when he asks me how I actually plan to carry out an idea I have just proposed. It will have been something like, “Well, we could just push it home...”, and Bryce will lovingly remind me, “Misty, it's 21 kilometres.” Then I will counter, “Yes, but it's only two hundred pounds...we should be home by dark.” This is the point where he smiles, shakes his head, and says, “That's why I love you...You do know you're crazy, right?” I smile and answer proudly, “Yes.” Do you remember, in my last article, how I said that I'm inordinately fond of work? Well, it's true. No, not 9-5 drudgery doing something that you don't believe in, don't enjoy, and doesn't improve your life or the lives of others. But, when you are busy all day, doing things that challenge you mentally and physically, that use all the best you have to offer and you turn around at the end of the day and see something there that wasn't there before, something that has made your life or someone else's better, you cannot help but feel satisfied. There is also real confidence in the knowledge that the more you do today, the more you're capable of tomorrow. For instance, while it does nothing to help my arms fit into a smart ladies jacket, I know I can lift those 40kg grain bags with ease, because the day before I was carrying 50kg logs out of the forest. Many people don't know this, but when you build muscle, you actually increase bone density, so when you work hard (safely and consistently), you get stronger and tougher. So, when I need a pickle jar opened, I can do it myself and when I fall on my butt goofing around with the bull calf, I don't break anything. There are still many tasks throughout the day that, muscle-building as they may be, are still less than enticing. That is where another line comes in handy: “Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.” We try to live by that one too. That is why, when I have to do the dishes, Bryce reads to me. When I have to walk a long distance, I gather herbs along the way. When I muck out the stable, you will find me singing. In fact, you will find us singing most times. And what are we singing? 'Accentuate the Positive', 'Fly me to the Moon', or 'Put on a Happy Face'. Don't mind if I do.